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Account Mass Changes - Allow A…
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Last modified on 2/3/2011 7:46 AM by User.

Account Mass Changes - Allow Adjustments (v. 3.1.4+)

The "Mass Changes to Allow Adjustments" option allows the user to make changes to a group of default draw records at once and to set the allow adjustments flag.  The goal is to eventually support mass changes to nearly all of the fields in accounts, account/pubs, and default draws, but the initial version only affects the "allow adjustments" flag.

To begin, click the Allow Adjustments link under the Mass Changes section on the Account Maintenance menu.

The criteria screen will be displayed.

Using the criteria available, select the combination of accounts and publications that you would like to change.  You may select multiple account types, account categories, publications, or manifests by using Ctrl+click or Shift+click.  Click Find, and the list of accounts that will be affected will be displayed.

The scrolling window at the top in the Selected Accounts section will display the the accounts that match the requested criteria.  The rightmost column will display the number of publications associated with each account that will be affected.

In the Data to Change section, select the drop down for each day of the week for which you would like to change the Allow Adjustments flag.  Set the value to True or False for the desired day(s) of week to change the setting for the selected accounts and pubs.  Set the value to '---' to leave the current value in the system unchanged.

Click Submit Changes to apply the changes to the system, or click Reset Criteria to go back to the criteria page and select a different set of accounts and publications.

After submitting the changes, a warning will be displayed telling the user not to close the window and that the process can take a while.  After the changes are complete, the screen will refresh and display the number of records that were impacted by the update.

Click Continue to go back to the criteria page.

Be aware that the larger the selection criteria, the longer it will take to compile the list of matching accounts and publications, and the longer it will take to update the data.  If the window is closed during the process, the update will not complete.

Also be aware that only the actual number of records that were modified will be displayed in the results.  For example, if you selected 100 accounts, and changed the allow adjustments flag to true for 5 publications on each of the accounts (for a total of 500), and 490 of the records are already set to true, then the results page will show that "10 Default Draw records were updated."